영국에서 자리잡는 중/OET와 영국 간호사

OET 스피킹에서 알면 좋을 상용구절 | KEY Phrases for OET Speaking

문먐미 ⋆⁺₊⋆ ♡̷̷̷ 2022. 4. 13. 00:58

OET Speaking 할 때 자주 쓰이는 상용어구들입니다.

주어진 롤플레이 상황에 맞게 활용해서 쓰시면 됩니다.


Hello, my name is ..., I'm one of the registered nurse in ...
May I confirm your name?
How can I help you?
I am here to help you with... (Home visit 상황에서 주로 쓰이는 표현) 
What has brought you today?


The reason for...
Let me explain ...
What I mean is ...
What I mean was ...
Let me put that another way ...
Let me try to explain that another way.


What you have to do is ...
What you must remember is ...
It's (very) important that you ...
Please don't forget ...


You should ...
I suggest trying ... 
I suggest that you try ...
I (highly) recommend ...


Giving advice
Have you considered ... ?
Perhaps we could ...
Have you thought about ...
It's really important to relaise that ...
You should avoid -ing.
Your only option is to ...
Have you tried ... ?


Don't worry about it too much.
You'll be fine / It'll be fine.
There is no need to worry.
There is nothing to worry about.
I can assure you that ...
It'll turn out all right.
Try not to worry.


I know how you must feel...
I (completely) understand how you feel...
I know this must be difficult (but...)
This must seem really scary, but...
I know this is hard but...
I'm so sorry to hear that...
I'm so sorry you're experienceing this.
That sounds really hard / though / difficult.
I can imagine this must be difficult for you.
I know what you concern about ...


Checking understand and Summarising
Have I made everything clear?
Does it make sense?
Is there anything you don't understand?
Are there any (more / further) questions?
Let me repeat again.
Let's go through that again.
If you don't mind, I'd like to go over this gain.
If you don't mind, I'd like to repeat what we've talked today.





더 자세한 OET 스피킹 공략법은 다음 포스팅에서 확인해주세요.


[해외 간호사] OET 스피킹 공략법 + OET 스피킹 모의문제 첨부

준비하는 시간 적절하게 활용하기 OET 스피킹 롤플레이를 준비하는데 주어지는 시간은 3분이다. 이 3분을 어떻게 활용하느냐가 매우 중요하다. 1. Setting 롤플레이가 어느 곳에서 이뤄지는가에 따


