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OET 라이팅에서 자주 사용되는 의학 축약어 모음 (Medical Abbreviation)

by 문먐미 ⋆⁺₊⋆ ♡̷̷̷ 2022. 4. 11.

List of common OET medical Abbreviations.

ABG Arterial blood gas
A&E Accident & Emergency
ADLs Activities of daily living (e.g. dressing, showering, eating, cooking etc)
Ax Assessment
b.d  (BD) Twice a day / twice daily
BMI Body Mass Index
BP Blood pressure
BWt Birth weight
c/o Complains of
CHF Chronic heart failure (만성 심부전)
CNS Central nervous system
CPR Cardiopulmonary resuscitation
CVA Cerebrovascular accident
CXR Chest X-ray
D&V Diarrhoea & Vomiting
DOB Date of Birth
DVT Deep vein thrombosis
Dx Diagnosis
ECG Electro cardiogram
ED Emergency department
ENT Ear, nose and throat
FBC Full blood count
FBE Full blood examination
GA General anaesthetic
GCS Glasgow coma scale
GIS Gastro-intestinal system
GP General practitioner
Hx History
H/O History of
Hb/Hgb Haemoglobin
HBP High blood pressure
HR Heart Rate
ICU Intensive care unit
i.r (IR) Immediate release
IM / IMI Intramuscular injection (also known as depot)
IV Intravenous
L Left
Mcg Microgram
Mi Millilitre
Mx Medication
NKA No know allergies
o.d. (OD) Daily
O/E On examination
OT Occupational therapist
Pm In the afternoon
PRN When necessary / ‘as needed’
Pt Patient
PO Per oral / orally
Q1h / Q1w / Q1m Every hour / every week / every month
q.d (QD) Once a day
t.d.s (TDS) Three times daily
r/v (R/V) Review
STI Sexually transmitted disease
Sx Sytmptoms
Tx Treatment
UEC Urea, electrolytes & creatinine
UTI Urinary tract infection
XR X-ray
Yo Years-old
D/C Discharge



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List of common OET medical Abbreviations.pdf



